Welcome to D2-Designs – What we’re about is hosting/design. We offer both, but pride ourselves on our Hosting. We take great measures to insure that our data is secured from the world. We have many clients who have found their new home with our company. The reason they pick us is because they are not treated like a number. Each client is treated in a different manner, there are no generic responses to questions because we feel that each person has to be treated in their own personal way. Ask yourself this, would you rather see “Mr. Smith, thank you for contacting us” or “Hello Mark, the reason you have this problem is…” We prefer the ladder because you are a person after all.
D2-Designs was officially started in 2011 by David D. <-D2 🙂 – From David: After many conversations with friends and even strangers about their hosting experiences (even my own), I decided enough was enough. I was already hosting my own personal websites, and I loved the fact that if I had a problem I just worked it out myself. Having that control (for me) was better than having to wait for a hosting technician to contact me back. So I made the decision to lease one single server and try my hand at having more than just myself as a client. I started out hosting just a couple of friends websites. That turned into my friends telling others how much they enjoyed having me host their sites. Eventually, their friends contacted me to see if I would host their websites as well. So, as I would go into “negotiations” with them, it would be found out that they didn’t even have a single idea on where to start with their website. At that point I said, well, let me work on a simple design and if you like it we’ll use that for your website and you can pay me once for the design and monthly or yearly to host and provide support. That option still to this day is a big hit with clients that sign up with me.
There are many of huge companies that can offer free tools to build your own website – but I feel that along with the freedom to build your own website with a company that has thousands of clients, you eventually become a number in their system. I don’t like that treatment, people need to be treated like they really do matter (not just because your giving me money) but because you’re a human being. I choose not to compete with big companies, it’s just not what D2-Designs is about. I have a full time job (in Law Enforcement), so having to use my clients for income is not a necessity for me to live. I suppose this is why I can apply my knowledge to actually helping each client as a person. Right now each client has their own space on the web, enjoying the uptime that the datacenter provides on a rack server that I lease.
Why lease?, That’s easy enough to answer – The reason I chose to lease is because it’s cheaper, and the datacenter has their technicians there incase something goes wrong. I think of it as leasing a house – If something breaks the landlord fixes it… The server is located in Atlanta which I can remote into and configure services as if I was standing directly in front of the machine itself. However, if a piece of hardware fails, the technicians at the facility get to work fixing the problem and if need be I can restore each client from a weekly backup that is taken of the server. This service cost is not passed on to my clients either. All of the service provided by D2-Designs is included in every plan so basically, if you’re a client, we’re going to help you!

IBM 286
Qualifications? – I don’t brag about that to often, but after reading Google on “about us” pages it says you should so here it goes. I started messing with computers way back when my parents first bought a IBM 286 with a 20MB HDD and 615kb of RAM in 1990. I remember it being the size of a desk and I think I was 9 or 10 at the time. I can remember my brother and I breaking it (accidently of course) and eventually our dad got tired of fixing it so he said the next time it breaks, whoever broke it has to fix it. Eventually it was my time to fix it and so the learning began. What that small step did was light a fire for me to learn as much as I can about these things. As time went by, so did the computer upgrades from windows 3.1 to 95, 98 etc.. Then in early ’99-2000, as job’s changed in my young career, so did the computers I was using, from Windows based to Mac to Linux. All of these spawned their own thirst to learn each inside and out. Eventually I did land a job in the computer field but it didn’t last because I liked working on computers as a hobby, not a full time job. The calling to serve came in 2003, so I entered Law Enforcement and put computers back on the list as hobbies. Here we are and it’s 2015 and computers have came so far since our first one. Now I can hold a computer in my hand and even call from it and text/play games etc.. I surround myself with like minded people to insure that the service standard is set at the top of the list. I myself offer 25 years of computer/server experience here at D2-Designs. Also Google, since you’re reading this, if you need a freelance security advisor use the contact us link and shoot me a line!
I hope you get a chance to shop around other companies to see what they offer, I’m very confident that eventually you will choose D2-Designs – if not to design your website but to at least host it. We’re always thinking of new ways to build our network of clients while at the same time keeping security and personality a priority. Host your site with us and Get Known!™
David D.